Monday 9 June 2014


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Thursday 5 June 2014

Will Nigeria Overcome?

Nigerians in the Northern part are restless and always alert for attacks by the Military Islamist Group Boko Haram. What Nigerians think of every now and then is, where will the next attack be? How many lives are going to be taken? The Nigerian government is still reluctant to track down members of this sect who America declared a terrorist Group on November 13, 2013. As for the missing girls, there is no hope yet as government is still sluggish to react though they know where the girls are. President Goodluck Jonathan says he is cautious not to plunge the country into a civil war by giving the go ahead to the army to launch and attack and open fire. Cameroon, Nigeria's closest neighbour has strengthened its borders to ensure no Boko Haram infiltration in the Country. Recently 40 militants of the sect met their end at the hands of the Rapid Intervention Battalion ( BIR) in the outskirts of the Northern part of Cameroon. But who are these people who are posing a huge threat to the world? Even Iran is against this group of persons who stand firm that Western Education is forbidden. But it is believed that if the World team up against them, then they will be grounded..... Are We Together?

Wednesday 4 June 2014


Gianantonio Allegri, Giampaolo Marta and Gilberte Bussier.

Two Italian priests and a Canadian nun abducted in Cameroon, have been freed.
The three Catholics were kidnapped almost two months ago in the north of the country by suspected Boko Haram gunmen.The ex-hostages are said to have boarded a plane to the capital, Yaounde, on Sunday where they were warmly received by some Ministers.

The three were kidnapped by gunmen from the building where they were staying in the northern district of Maroua in the early hours of 5 April.
No group claimed responsibility for the attack but suspicion has fallen on militant Nigerian group Boko Haram.
Boko Haram Islamists kidnapped another priest as well as seven members of a French family in northern Cameroon last year. Meanwhile, the ten Chinese tourists abducted by this same Group  are still in their custody. efforts are underway to secure their release.

Monday 26 May 2014

Moral Decadence, Corruption: A real problem to the Society.

It is a common saying that the future of any nation lies in the potentials of her youths. But the  conclusion is that the quality of the youths and their manifestations depend largely on the strength of the foundation upon which they are nurtured.
If our citadels of learning, (which are among the important factors which guarantee the kind of foundation, principles, and value systems our youth will develop) have become monuments of corruption, diseased in curriculum and battered in morality, what else does tomorrow hold for our youth and  our nation if not failure and chaos? Due to the state of corrupt practices in our schools most of our graduates, though macho in physique and appealing in appearance are simply Lilliput at heart. Come to think of this, “can such young men and women compete in the market place of ideas?” can they fit in the world in which the war cry and the driving cliche is reform? Can such men and women be trusted with the destiny of our nation in a sanitized and complex world?”   To Be Continued…

Sunday 25 May 2014

Overcrowding in Lecture halls

Students fitting themselves into a Classroom
University of Buea, the place to be, with vast space harboring magnificent buildings is no doubt one of Cameroons State Universities that has a big compound with these structures occupying not up to half of the total area.
 With the numerous lecture halls that are in the University of Buea, accommodation is still a very big problem.  Overcrowding in lecture halls is an issue still to be addressed by the University of Buea Administration.
The question which arises therein is whether the University admits students taking into consideration the number of halls that exist or whether they are going to construct new lecture halls to accommodate the number gruesome number that they admit every year.
According to statistics from the admission and records office, the University of Buea admitted more than five thousand students for the academic year 2013|2014, added to some other thousands of students that exist.
 This increase in admission has over the years been a hard nut to crack as students are found standing up in lecture halls while lectures are on. Even in the largest Amphis, 750 and 600 Amphitheaters overcrowding and lack of seats is a reality.
 This has made students to resort to using benches and abandoned seats just to attend lectures. Students from attending one lecture will take to their heels to the next lecture hall just to secure seats, all because of the undersized nature of the classrooms.
 In some situations, students would come to class one hour or thirty minutes before the start time of the lecture of which they are not sometimes sure to attend the lecture because of the marathon. With disappointment, some will retire home and that will be the beginning of failure.
The reason for this limited seat is the deterioration of seats in the Amphis which can therefore not accommodate the number it is intended to. The seat are pending repairs and the School administration is beckoned to intervene either by cutting down the number of students admitted each year, building new lectures halls of higher capacity or repair the seats which are damaged.

Anglophones Keep Begging for Jobs in the French Speaking Cities

job seekers queuing in front of government offices

My  country Cameroon. They say we are bilingual , YES! that should  not be the only rationale to provide jobs to Cameroonians.  Every institution in the cities of Douala and Yaounde are french speaking. An anglophone who comes to seek for  a job has to go back and take french lessons before he/she is attended to. They are treated like pieces of trash in these cities because they know little when it comes to speaking the french language. To Be Continued…

The Cameroon Media Landscape: Comparing its operationlisation to Principles Governing the Practice of Journalism.

To an extent, the Cameroon media landscape respects the principle of truth in journalism practice by the fact that most of the private media organs publish or give out reliable information to the masses respecting figure and facts in a way to complement the state owned media. Programs like Town Crier on LTM gives out the real images and in-depth analysis of community or societal happenings.
The state owned media CRTV fulfills its obligation to report with exactitude the government activities like governmental projects ahead of vision 2035. Transparency is evident in their respective area of focus as audience can make their own assessment regarding media output

For the activities of journalism be fully effective or implemented, it has to stay clear of government dealings. The media is made to act as a Watch Dog in the society and not to be controlled by the society. The media is seen as the fourth estate independent of the state. This principle is widely accepted by many nations. In Cameroon, this is just formally presented on paper as there exist government owned and personal media organs. CRTV which is funded and controlled by the government, its content does not reflect that of a watch dog but rather propagating and consolidating government actions. Ocean City Radio in Kumba is into promoting his business as a herbalist doctor rather than being independent of control.
The media landscape in Cameroon to a greater extend provides forum for this point through programs both in the private and government owned media. These programs give room for public opinion on matters plaguing the country. Within these programs there is total freedom of speech as the opinions of audiences are sampled without fear of harassment. Programs like TELEOPINION on CRTV and of TOWN CRIER o LTM are all programs that give room for interaction and feedback.

Media ethics being the main drive in the profession demands accountability in rendering services to the public is not a virtue when it comes to the Cameroon media landscape. Very few of the media practitioners are skilled or are professionals thus leaving room for massive influx of quacks that do not follow basic rules of the profession. This is typical of the private media owners in Cameroon.
The Cameroon media landscape is very lacking in the domain of putting the interest of the citizen before any other matter as demands one of the principles of journalism practice. Both the private and the public media put money before service to the people. While CRTV construct news items to fit the interest of the government from which its fund is generated, the private media give priority to advertising which is one way to make money before service the people.